Agri-Food Immigration Pilot

This will focus on the meat processing and mushroom production labor shortages in the Canadian agri-food industry. The following sectors are eligible for the Agri-Food Immigration Pilot Program:

  • the production of meat products (NAICS 3116)
  • production in greenhouses, nurseries, and floriculture, including mushroom production (NAICS 1114)
  • production of animals, excluding aquaculture (NAICS 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124 or 1129)


Within the recent three years, one year of non-seasonal employment experience French or English versions of CLB 4. A employment offer is necessary. ECA for international education that includes at least a high school certificate. Financial proof of the settlement.

For the production of meat products

  • retailers of meat (NOC B 6331)
  • commercial butchers (NOC C 9462)
  • Agricultural managers and skilled livestock workers (NOC B 8252)
  • laborers in the food industry (NOC D 9617)

For the production of meat products

In order to produce meat products:

  • suppliers of meat (NOC B 6331)
  • professional butchers (NOC C 9462)
  • Agricultural supervisors and knowledgeable livestock personnel (NOC B 8252)
  • workers in the food sector (NOC D 9617)

In order to produce meat products:

For animal production, excluding aquaculture:

  • specialists in livestock work and farm managers (NOC B 8252)
  • farmers in general (NOC C 8431)

For animal production, excluding aquaculture:
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Agri-Food Immigration Pilot Pay